*SOLD OUT* Success - what's the secret? - public

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*SOLD OUT* Success - what's the secret? - public


When we are not satisfied in life, we often go external and try to shift our emotions through using drugs, alcohol, sex, overeating, shopping etc.. These then become habits, really difficult to break. 

We work with people with these issues every day and hear painful stories of getting stuck in patterns of destructive emotions that drives seeking external satisfaction. It temporarily relieves the pain, but relying on external solutions can become incredibly painful in the long term. 

But there is another way. 

The first step is admitting that there is a problem. Looking into the mirror. People who can do this and those, who are committed to recovering and getting their lives back on track succeed. Always. Life doesn't get easier, we just learn to cope with it better and enjoy it more when we are ourselves.

Bring your questions.

Where? 20 Station Road, Cambridge

When? 5 Oct 2017 18.00-20.30


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