Are you a perfectionist? Perfectionism is on the rise.. so let's see how it impacts us..

Are you a perfectionist? Perfectionism is on the rise.. so let's see how it impacts us..

Are you a perfectionist? Do you think it helps you motivate yourself to aim high and make a concerted effort to do your best when facing challenges? The process of pouring your heart into accomplishing something that pushes against your limits and is both challenging and rewarding feels good. This is especially true, when you let go of a perfectionistic need to "win-at-all-costs" in order to feel extrinsically validated and worthy.  

On the flip side, too much...

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Your Mindset Will Get You in the End | Professor David James

Our lives are filled with events we react to in different ways, and our reactions are based on the meanings we give them. These meanings form stories we tell ourselves. They become ingrained in our hearts and souls as truth, rooted into our mindsets and presented to the world via our behaviours. They affect the decisions we make and influence the quality of our lives. Can we change our mindsets? Professor David James believes we can, and shows how – by reframing the way we ask questions about life and events – we can change our stories, change our behaviours, and improve the quality of our lives. Watch the video here

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A Recovering Burnout

A Recovering Burnout

I love my job, so there’s a little bit of me that feels bad I couldn’t keep up the lighting fast pace. I’m the CEO and president of an empowerment organisation...

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The price of not letting our boys express their emotions

The price of not letting our boys express their emotions

One thing is clear: boys grow up in a world inhabited by a narrower range of emotions, one in which their experiences of anger are noticed, inferred and potentially even cultivated. This leaves other emotions — particularly the more vulnerable emotions—sorely ignored or missing in their growing minds. This is all the more concerning given that research from Harvard Medical School shows…

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Maximising children's learning experiences for brain development

Maximising children's learning experiences for brain development

A newborn’s brain contains 100 billion brain cells or neurons. These neurons are highly connected as one of their roles is communication, and amazingly a single cell can connect with as many as 15,000 other neurons. These connections are created through experience and learning and lead to a network which is referred to as the brain’s “wiring”. In the research, it is known that “cells that fire together, wire together”. So cells which repeatedly connect or fire together, will create a stronger, lasting bond and will therefore wire together.

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This is how stress derails healthy development

This is how stress derails healthy development

Learning how to cope with adversity is an important part of healthy development. While moderate, short-lived stress responses in the body can promote growth, toxic stress is the strong, unrelieved activation of the body's stress management system in the absence of protective adult support.

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Let children run wild - it could even improve their academic performance

Let children run wild - it could even improve their academic performance

Physical fitness and agility are linked to bigger brains and better test scores....

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Why listening to a podcast while exercising could harm performance in elite athletes

Why listening to a podcast while exercising could harm performance in elite athletes

n an increasingly busy world, listening to a podcast, watching a documentary or even learning a foreign language while exercising may feel like a constructive use of time. But a new study suggests that..

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This is how your experiences shape your brain

This is how your experiences shape your brain

Genes provide the basic blueprint, but experiences influence how or whether genes are expressed. Together, they shape the quality of brain architecture and establish either a sturdy or a fragile foundation for all of the learning, health, and behavior that follow.

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Be aware - blue light causes your sleep to suffer - here is what you can do

Be aware - blue light causes your sleep to suffer - here is what you can do

Now, in much of the world, evenings are illuminated, and we take our easy access to all those lumens pretty much for granted. But we may be paying a price for basking in all that light. At night, light throws the body's biological clock—the circadian rhythm—out of whack. Sleep suffers. How?

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