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Cambridge - Resilient Children and How We Can Make a Difference Now - Tools to help you from psychology and neuroscience - Advance tickets
Cambridge - Resilient Children and How We Can Make a Difference Now - Tools to help you from psychology and neuroscience - Advance tickets
Childhood / Fulfilment / Happiness / Parenting / Wellbeing
Tools to help you from Psychology and Neuroscience
It is terrifying when things start going wrong with our children, so we will share with you what we know about how we can nurture resilience in them so they have an inner strength to cope with whatever life throws at them. Having worked with celebrities, royalty and people of all ages, we see how people develop this skill that is so crucial for our wellbeing. Don't miss it.
A limited number of advance tickets can be booked for only £47 Normal ticket price £57.
We have more, can do more and give more than ever before, but our children's happiness is still not guaranteed..
We work with a lot of children and young people who don't believe in themselves and feel they are alone.
Even though they have privileged lives, and parents who would do anything for them, the children can't see it. It is a dangerous and scary place to be for both the parent and the child, especially when the child does not see a way out of their problems, and is self-harming or having suicidal thoughts.
We can all make mistakes and we can correct them. Not suicide though. There is a lot we can do as we are by their side on their journey as parents, teachers, mentors, friends.
There is so much we can do every day and we all know that we can provide a springboard for our children's future. So the question is how?
We have the incredible opportunity and one of the most challenging, rewarding and beautiful tasks on our hands. Raising, guiding, nurturing and accompanying another human being on their wonderful life journey.
You could browse through thousands of parenting books or ask others in search of a random method, and see if it works.
Or, save your time, effort and some grey hairs and let us do the research.
At the Wellbeing Clinic we do our research, so you don't have to. Using findings from the latest behaviour and brain research to mention just a few, we help parents and professionals - just like you - focus on the most valuable tools they can use every day to nurture their children's healthy development.
It is a factthat we can teach children how to recognise and manage their own thoughts and emotions. With these skills, they will be able to enjoy a more carefree and happy childhood and they also stand a greater chance to head-off a host of potential mental health problems later on. You have the power now to make their futures better.
Did you know? We spend a whopping 12,896 hours cleaning and 100,786 hours in front of the TV and various screens in our lifetimes.
Swop a couple of these hours for something useful and come along on the 17th November to learn how you can make a difference to your children's lives for decades to come.
The host and presenter is Professor Margareta James, who has been asking questions about childrens and adults happiness and wellbeing for the last few decades. She will share what we know from research and experience. Having worked with children and successful people all around the world, she connected the bridges between childhood, fulfillment and wellbeing so crucial to a happy, fulfilled life, which we would all like our children to have.
Our passion is to help you nurture your children's emerging personalities the best way possible.
So let's talk about how we, parents, teachers and professionals can make a difference in our children's future, their happiness, their progress. Come and join us at a lively discussion and let's see how we can make a difference for the next generation!
What this talk is not: We are not telling you how to do your parenting. It is entirely your decision. Nobody has all the answers, we will share with you what we know from research and experience so you can make more informed decisions.
What this talk is about: Understanding how we can help our children find themselves through changing our perspective, and connecting with them more in ways that are meaningful for them.
Advance tickets can be booked for only £47
Normal ticket price £57
Advance ticket numbers are limited and if they sell out in advance, there will be no opportunity to purchase tickets on the door.
This talk won't be repeated this year. Don't miss it.
When? 17th November at 6:45 PM - 8.45 PM
Where? Cambridge CB12JD 20 Station road
We are looking forward to seeing you there. Bring your questions!