Expired emotions?

Expired emotions?

Do you tend to hold onto things past their expiry dates?
How about pain and hurt? Do you ever think they should have expiry dates too? Have you been carrying them around for too long?

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What's wrong with criticism?

What's wrong with criticism?

If you think you can be critical and tend to automatically label things and people, you better read this... Why? It is a well-known fact that ...

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Insufficient sleep - the health hazards

Insufficient sleep - the health hazards

Skimping on sleep can raise the risk of many health problems and leave you prone to accidents.

Sleep experts say we should get at least seven hours of slumber each night. But as many as one in three of us routinely sleeps for less than six hours—a trend that can have serious health ramifications.

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The new generation of parents - 'the drones'

The new generation of parents - 'the drones'

My generation grew up 'helicopter parented' and raised to appreciate individuality and self expression, but it was still a trophy-driven childhood with competition at its heart. We are now starting to run our families a lot later than our parents did and having had only ourselves to look after. It requires a big shift in mindset. 

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Do you ever feel like you have to get away?

Do you ever feel like you have to get away?

Do you ever feel that you have to get away?
Away from what’s going on in your life, from people, from your life in general?

So you book a holiday, finally get away

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