Expired emotions?

Expired emotions?

Do you tend to hold onto things past their expiry dates?
How about pain and hurt? Do you ever think they should have expiry dates too? Have you been carrying them around for too long?

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Anniversaries - are they happy or sad? The silent dates in your calendar that can bring back the past..

Anniversaries - are they happy or sad? The silent dates in your calendar that can bring back the past..

The anniversary effect is when people who have experienced very emotional (traumatic) events experience an increase of troubling memories of the event or events on or around the anniversary of them happening.

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Russell Brand talks about his new book, RECOVERY

Russell Brand talks about his new book, RECOVERY

Some great advice in Russell Brand's new book on how to tackle addiction. A philosophical approach to life and how we are trying to cope with pain, to make ourselves feel better. We often go external and try to shift our emotions through using drugs, alcohol, sex, eating, shopping. There is another way. We work with...

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Yoga - the surprising benefits revealed

Yoga - the surprising benefits revealed

A recent review of the literature in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice suggests that yoga may change brain waves as well as structure. A group of researchers analysed fifteen studies examining the effects of yoga on brain waves as well as structural changes in brain activation following participating in yoga postures (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation-based yoga. 

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Strength is born in darkness

Strength is born in darkness

Remember, strength is born in darkness. One cannot know how strong they truly are until they weather some storms.

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