Why is there such a difference between these three-year-old brains?

Why is there such a difference between these three-year-old brains?

Take a careful look at the image of two brains on this page. The picture is of the brains of two three-year-old children. It’s obvious that the brain on the left is much bigger than the one on the right. The image on the left also has fewer spots, and far fewer dark “fuzzy” areas. To neurologists who study the brain, and who have worked out how to interpret the images, the difference between these two brains is both remarkable and shocking...

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Why listening to a podcast while exercising could harm performance in elite athletes

Why listening to a podcast while exercising could harm performance in elite athletes

n an increasingly busy world, listening to a podcast, watching a documentary or even learning a foreign language while exercising may feel like a constructive use of time. But a new study suggests that..

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What is cognitive reserve?

What is cognitive reserve?

An important concept that is crucial to the understanding of cognitive health is known as cognitive reserve. You can think of cognitive reserve as your brain's ability to improvise and find alternate ways of getting a job done.

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Anniversaries - are they happy or sad? The silent dates in your calendar that can bring back the past..

Anniversaries - are they happy or sad? The silent dates in your calendar that can bring back the past..

The anniversary effect is when people who have experienced very emotional (traumatic) events experience an increase of troubling memories of the event or events on or around the anniversary of them happening.

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Be aware - blue light causes your sleep to suffer - here is what you can do

Be aware - blue light causes your sleep to suffer - here is what you can do

Now, in much of the world, evenings are illuminated, and we take our easy access to all those lumens pretty much for granted. But we may be paying a price for basking in all that light. At night, light throws the body's biological clock—the circadian rhythm—out of whack. Sleep suffers. How?

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Ageing brain - the pros

Ageing brain - the pros

If you forget a name or two, take longer to finish the crossword, or find it hard to manage two tasks at once, you're not on the road to dementia. What you're experiencing is your brain changing the way it works as you get older. And in many ways it's actually working better.

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Insufficient sleep - the health hazards

Insufficient sleep - the health hazards

Skimping on sleep can raise the risk of many health problems and leave you prone to accidents.

Sleep experts say we should get at least seven hours of slumber each night. But as many as one in three of us routinely sleeps for less than six hours—a trend that can have serious health ramifications.

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The M1 Television Channel interviewed us about a neuroscience based therapy that helps tackling stress and more

The M1 Television Channel interviewed us about a neuroscience based therapy that helps tackling stress and more

The Hungarian M1 Television Channel interviewed us about the neuroscience based Havening Therapy, which is used to reduce stress & anxiety and successfully transforms and 'normalises' stressful life events and related memories.

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Complaining Harms Your Health, According to Science

Complaining Harms Your Health, According to Science

Why do people complain? Not to torture others with their negativity, surely. When most of us indulge in a bit of a moan, the idea is to "vent." By getting our emotions out, we reason, we'll feel better. However, science suggests there are a few serious flaws in that reasoning.

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Your wellbeing - is it all in your head?

Your wellbeing - is it all in your head?

It is well known that the brain is an electrochemical organ, and the electro-chemical activity is displayed in the form of brainwaves.

But what are these brainwaves and what do they do?

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