Russell Brand talks about his new book, RECOVERY

Russell Brand talks about his new book, RECOVERY

Some great advice in Russell Brand's new book on how to tackle addiction. A philosophical approach to life and how we are trying to cope with pain, to make ourselves feel better. We often go external and try to shift our emotions through using drugs, alcohol, sex, eating, shopping. There is another way. We work with...

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Worrying research points to a crisis situation - quarter of 14-year-old girls 'have signs of depression'

Worrying research points to a crisis situation - quarter of 14-year-old girls 'have signs of depression'

A quarter of girls and nearly one in 10 boys show signs of depression at the age of 14, say UK researchers. The government-funded study of over 10,000 young people looked at how many experienced the signs of depression not a clinical diagnosis of one.

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Parenting in real life...

Parenting in real life...

Before becoming parents, we all have a view of how we will raise our children, what we will do and won’t ever do in situations, and how we will shape their little lives, so they can be happy, healthy and can live a fulfilling life they desire. Then something happens...

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The M1 Television Channel interviewed us about a neuroscience based therapy that helps tackling stress and more

The M1 Television Channel interviewed us about a neuroscience based therapy that helps tackling stress and more

The Hungarian M1 Television Channel interviewed us about the neuroscience based Havening Therapy, which is used to reduce stress & anxiety and successfully transforms and 'normalises' stressful life events and related memories.

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The Cambridge News interviewed us about body confidence issues

The Cambridge News interviewed us about body confidence issues

Sadly, growing number of children and young people face 'body confidence issues'. 

New research by the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) has found that almost a third of nursery and school staff said they had heard a child label themselves fat and 10% said they had heard a child say they felt ugly. 

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Research shows why reformer pilates can do more for you than you think especially after not training for a few weeks....

Research shows why reformer pilates can do more for you than you think especially after not training for a few weeks....

Even after 4 weeks of not training (which was for most of us over the Christmas period) taking up Reformer Pilates, can make significant changes in more ways than you think.  

A study showed that women who participated in Reformer Pilates classes after 4 weeks of no physical exercise, had significant increases in muscle mass, corrected arm and body composition. And it also it helps people with chronic lower back pain.  Pilates showed significant improvement in pain relief and functional enhancement too. 

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What Science Really Says about Spanking

What Science Really Says about Spanking

To spank or not to spank? Experts argue that this form of punishment—hitting a child on the bottom with an open hand—increases the risk that kids will develop emotional and behavioural problems including increased aggression, behavioural and mental health problems, and reduced cognitive ability and self-esteem.

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The BBC interviewed us about the challenges of taking on a family business. Are you labelled the 'silver spoon' child? Is is harder than it seems?

The BBC interviewed us about the challenges of taking on a family business. Are you labelled the 'silver spoon' child? Is is harder than it seems?

So you are next to take on the family business. The legacy. The hard work of your parents or perhaps even generations. How do you do it? What if you don't want to do it? Is it harder than it seems?

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Complaining Harms Your Health, According to Science

Complaining Harms Your Health, According to Science

Why do people complain? Not to torture others with their negativity, surely. When most of us indulge in a bit of a moan, the idea is to "vent." By getting our emotions out, we reason, we'll feel better. However, science suggests there are a few serious flaws in that reasoning.

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The Superior Social Skills of Bilinguals

The Superior Social Skills of Bilinguals

BEING bilingual has some obvious advantages. Learning more than one language enables new conversations and new experiences. But in recent years, psychology researchers have demonstrated some less obvious advantages of bilingualism, too.

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