Isolation fatigue: why we’re suddenly impatient about lockdown ending

Isolation fatigue: why we’re suddenly impatient about lockdown ending

At this time of uncertainty, Professor Margareta James, Founding director of the Harley Street Wellbeing Clinic, tells Stylist the brain reverts to survival mode. We are over-vigilant, highly alert and as everything changes so rapidly, we feel we need to keep up with the news.

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Professor Margareta James on domestic abuse increase during lockdown and how to seek help

Professor Margareta James on domestic abuse increase during lockdown and how to seek help

Our homes are safe places to retreat to. When people are dealing with domestic violence, the home is no longer safe, in fact, the home is a battleground.

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What's wrong with criticism?

What's wrong with criticism?

If you think you can be critical and tend to automatically label things and people, you better read this... Why? It is a well-known fact that ...

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What Comes Next: More physical affection and smaller circles – how friendships will change as a result of coronavirus

What Comes Next: More physical affection and smaller circles – how friendships will change as a result of coronavirus

As the lockdown forced us to keep away from our friends, there is a question about whether our friendships change as a result of this?

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Simple ways to reduce anxiety during lockdown

Simple ways to reduce anxiety during lockdown

Professor Margareta James was interviewed by the Financial Times this week. Read some of the main thoughts here:

Simple ways to reduce anxiety during lockdown

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Your brain loves exercise!! Here is why..

Your brain loves exercise!! Here is why..

The truth is - your brain loves the gym!! A new study shows this once again.

The best part of the news is that it only takes a bit of your time every week to achieve this level of fitness.

Want to know how much exercise can get you all the health benefits?

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Your Mindset Will Get You in the End | Professor David James

Our lives are filled with events we react to in different ways, and our reactions are based on the meanings we give them. These meanings form stories we tell ourselves. They become ingrained in our hearts and souls as truth, rooted into our mindsets and presented to the world via our behaviours. They affect the decisions we make and influence the quality of our lives. Can we change our mindsets? Professor David James believes we can, and shows how – by reframing the way we ask questions about life and events – we can change our stories, change our behaviours, and improve the quality of our lives. Watch the video here

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A Recovering Burnout

A Recovering Burnout

I love my job, so there’s a little bit of me that feels bad I couldn’t keep up the lighting fast pace. I’m the CEO and president of an empowerment organisation...

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The price of not letting our boys express their emotions

The price of not letting our boys express their emotions

One thing is clear: boys grow up in a world inhabited by a narrower range of emotions, one in which their experiences of anger are noticed, inferred and potentially even cultivated. This leaves other emotions — particularly the more vulnerable emotions—sorely ignored or missing in their growing minds. This is all the more concerning given that research from Harvard Medical School shows…

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Think your way to happiness - here is how your thoughts sculpt your brain

Think your way to happiness - here is how your thoughts sculpt your brain

Every minute of every day, your body is physically reacting, literally changing, in response to the thoughts that run through your mind.

It’s been shown over and over again that just thinking about something can cause your brain to release neurotransmitters, chemical messengers that allow it to communicate with parts of itself and your nervous system. Neurotransmitters control virtually all of your body’s functions, from hormones to digestion to feeling happy, sad, or stressed.

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